Sunday, April 29, 2007

Nintendo Sells Nearly 6 Million Wiis

It’s all champagne and caviar at Nintendo this week, following astronomical results. Hard to believe they could actually have been better, but they could if only there had been a little more Wii to go around. .

In five months Nintendo has managed to ship 5.84 million Wiis [just short of its 6m goal but still mental]. Even despite the fact that it’s half the price of the PS3, it shows that Sony’s sales of under 2 million PS3s in roughly the same timeframe points to some trouble. Check the latest console sales stats - at least for the US - here.

Still, Nintendo could have sold a lot more if its production set-up had been better. Nintendo has even predicted that it will hit 20 million Wiis sold by this time in 2008. That’s a phenomenal number, if it manages to pull it off. In fact, it really needs to sort out that chronic supply problem.

The company has been producing one million units a months but admitted that it’s along way off fulfilling demand. Even with new plans to produce 14 million units this year, it’s warning that it will not be enough.-Martin Lynch

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