Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Wireless Gadget Charger Coming Next Month

Wireless technology sure is hot right now. As customers and companies realize how well WiFi and Bluetooth work, people start asking why we need pesky wires and cables at all. Well, until those MIT scientists figure that whole wireless electricity thing out, we've got to deal with interim solutions, like wireless gadget charging. At least this tech isn't years away; in fact, we don't even have to wait another month.

Arizona-based WildCharge says they'll begin selling their WildCharger on July 7, and if works as advertised, it'll be a must-have for most gadget lovers. Essentially, it's a small mat that plugs into an outlet and charges any WildCharge-enabled gadget that's placed on it, be it a phone, mp3 player or handheld gaming device. How do you make your devices WildCharge-enabled? Well, for now, you buy an adapter. But if this technology catches on, the hope is that companies will start selling gadgets with this capability built in. Imagine coming home at night and just dropping your phone and iPod on the table; when you rush out the door the next morning, just pick them up, and they're fully charged. You get the idea. It couldn't be much more convenient.

No details about price yet, and the website doesn't even have pictures of what the adapters look like, but stay tuned to Gearlog. When we know more, so will you.
Source :http://www.gearlog.com

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